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Free Online Educational Presentation

Lowering Carbon Footprint of Concrete Construction Using Fiber Reinforcement Technology

As the knowledge, testing and experience of using synthetic macrofiber reinforced concrete continues to grow for use in infrastructure projects, their successful use and benefits are now being realized through full scale and long term demonstration projects. Over the past several years, there has been a renewed interest in the use of fiber reinforcement in concrete pavements for parking lots, white toppings, bridge decks and roadways. Various technical organizations such as the American Concrete Institute, American Concrete Pavement Association and the National Concrete Pavement Technology Center have developed new guidance and recommendations on how to properly select and use fiber types in concrete. However, many prospective engineers, architectural firms and clients are now requesting additional information as to the environmental impacts of using fibers in replacement of traditional reinforcement or as an added material in concrete to improve durability and useful service life.

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