ACI Code-323-24 FAQs
ACI Code-323-24 provides a standardized method, developed by concrete and sustainability experts, to limit carbon emissions associated with concrete production and placement. Have questions about best practices for reducing the embodied carbon of concrete construction? See our answers below.

What does ACI Code-323-24 do?
ACI Code 323-24: Low-Carbon Concrete helps licensed design professionals set a global warming potential performance requirement for concrete associated with a construction project.
How do I get the code adopted in my jurisdiction?
Building code adoption varies by state and city, but requires a process of hearings, public commentary and revisions, followed by a formal vote. If you would like ACI Code-323-24 adopted in your jurisdiction, we recommend reaching out to your local representatives and urging them to consider its adoption in their next code revision cycle. If you are from an adopting jurisdiction and would like more information on ACI Code-323-24: Low-Carbon Concrete, please contact ACI's Code Advocacy Group.
Does ACI Code-323-24 provide mixture designs for creating low-carbon concrete?
No. ACI Code-323-24 helps set a global warming potential performance target for concrete materials to meet. It does not provide provisions for how to meet that requirement.
Which materials and systems does ACI Code-323-24 apply to, and which are exempt from the Code?
ACI Code-323-24 applies to cast-in-place concrete materials ranging design strength from 2500 psi to 8000 psi. It does not apply to precast concrete, tremie concrete, auger-cast concrete or grout, shotcrete, pavers, or masonry units.
Does ACI Code-323-24 apply to concrete repair and rehabilitation?
Yes, it applies to concrete repair and rehabilitation operations.
What if I have another question?
To submit a question not answered here, contact NEU at