ACI Code-323-24 Webinars
Concrete construction is responsible for an estimated 7% of total carbon emissions worldwide. This is where ACI Code-323-24 steps in to aid in the specification of lower carbon concrete. Browse our collection of webinars covering the topics related to reducing the embodied carbon of concrete construction.

Low-Carbon Concrete: Technologies, Policy, and the Pathway to Model Code Language
Dr. Matthew Adams, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Dr. Matthew Adams discusses how governmental agencies - local, regional, and federal - are the primary purchasers of concrete materials within the United States and around the world. Therefore, governments are positioned to lead the way in procuring low embodied carbon concrete (LECC) systems, reducing the global impact of concrete on climate change. Despite rigorous scientific research showing many options for reducing concrete's embodied carbon below standard levels, many agencies in the United States are still specifying concrete using prescriptive approaches which support outdated, high embodied carbon mixtures. Procurement processes, lack of technical understanding, and a lack of will amongst specifying agencies are all barriers to implementation of LECC mixture design techniques. This presentation will discuss the current range of policy initiatives that have either been passed or are in process to encourage procurement of LECC, the difficulties experienced in their implementation, and the impact that the active policies have had on procurement across the United States. ​
On-Demand Course: ACI CODE-323: Low-Carbon Concrete Code
Dr. Matthew Adams, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Of all the buzzwords floating around the concrete industry related to sustainability, the most popular right now is "low carbon concrete;" but what does it actually mean? Trying to determine if your concrete mixture is “low carbon” can be a tricky task that many of us aren’t ready to tackle. The American Concrete Institute released new model code language from Code Committee 323 – Low Carbon Concrete. Therefore, understanding what low-carbon concrete is, how to make it, and how to meet policy and code requirements is an important task for all members of the concrete industry. This presentation will discuss the definition of low-carbon concrete, an overview of the new ACI Code-323-24, and information on how you can determine if your concrete meets requirements to be considered low carbon concrete. A review of what types of concrete are currently covered in policy and code (and which are excluded) is also included. Finally, documentation needs and requirements will also be discussed.​